


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My Family | Sherwood, WI Photographer

I've been looking at my computer and realize I have a lot of personal photographs to organize. I love to take pictures but not to keen on doing things with them after I've captured the moment. (fyi: That is a VERY bad habit to get into; I do not recommend neglecting your pictures by leaving them in computer space chaos.)

As I was stumbling through my portfolio and trying to make sense of the chaos, I came across this little gem of a moment from this summer.

Isn't it wonderful? I just love looking at my family doing "normal" things; like snuggling and reading books together. This photo is the type that when my children are grown that I will look at and it  will make my heart ache with longing to relieve the memory. Even now seeing this image, I am overwhelmed with love and nostalgia for my little family. 

Now just imagine all the wonderful memories I am missing out on because they are lost on my computer. I am going crazy with need to assemble photo albums and sweet heartache! To begin my walk down memory lane; I am currently working on a photo book over at Blurb from way back in 2007! Yes, one could say I am behind. Needless to say, I will be the happiest mama ever when I am caught up (if is not an option!)...

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A back to school mini-session; and my baby all-grown up

School is just around the corner! With my daughter attending Kindergarten this year; (Breathe, Jesse, just Breathe) and my daycare kiddos coming in September; my brain is thinking fall. (My apologies to the end of summer, I really do love you!).

So to celebrate my "fall" mindset; I wanted to offer a back-to-school mini-session for all the families who have kids going back in a few weeks. What a fun way to commemorate the moment: pictures of your adorable kiddos in their big kid glory!!! (This is where I shamelessly tell you to contact me to schedule your kiddo's mini-session! We're running a great deal this month so head over to the website!)

 And because no blog post is complete without eye-candy; Here is the first of Jesse Konkle Photography's Back-to-School mini sessions.

The adorable kiddo in this session is my daughter Izzy. I NEEDED to have her as my model, because she is going to be a BIG girl in Kindergarten this year and I am feeling bittersweet over the whole thing.:) Any parent of a child becoming a BIG KID (I just might cry right now); can relate to feeling this need. I am so glad I took these pictures; now I will forever have this sweet and adorable memory of her entering the world of education. I love you Izzy!!!

I even had some fun prop glasses for her to wear..too cute!


Doesn't she look ready for kindergarten? Have a fantastic day; thanks for stopping!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Burning the Midnight Saliva, What?!

So it's Tuesday night and I am stoked to have my first Senior Session of the year this weekend; (thank you Calvin & Tammy!). I am gearing up for the session tonight; getting all my paperwork in order checking out the senior trends etc...I am always revved up to work on paperwork after my kiddos go to bed. I put my game face on and hit the office....Tea in hand, I am ready to rock! Burn that midnight oil....or something.

The problem I face regularily; is that I am not a night person. I have an internal clock that just says; productivity? After 8 pm? NO. One could presume I've learned this about myself by now (and yes I have). Yet, even with this pearl of wisdom I continue to think; maybe tonight will be different, tonight is the night I move mountains !!!!....And yes, tonight I moved mountains; mountains of pictures to my pin boards! Mwah! this is where my blog post is about to switch topics, ready? Yes, yes, eventually my mind couldn't focus any longer on work, and my brain wandered and brought me over to pinterest. (As it always does!). I can't exactly remember why I stumbled over to check out pinterest..(oh right; senior photography!). As I begin to look around all the pins on photography I eventually got bored; and instead of going to bed (Hello Jesse!! your tired duh!!), I started checking out all the lovely randomness in the newly posted pins; ( new sensory bottle ideas; Awesome! Smore's cakes??waaa?!! Sweet)..and so it goes; any pinterest fanatic knows this story.

 Into about 10 minutes of browsing something entirely unexpected happend to me.  What I experienced  can only be describe as a pinterest coma...yes; that is right a coma. (Think no brainwave, flatline, zero activity type coma)

My wonderfully simplistic brain could not handle the combination of being tired and slammed in the face with stimuli. Thus, enter coma: my mouth dropped, my vision blurred, and I literally stopped doing everything, eye movement, hand movement everything;....Once I reached this coma-state; I kid you not I drooled; yes DROOLED down my embarrasing!!! Please share, has anyone else experienced the "pinterest coma?". (I am REALLY hopefuly it's not just me).

I tried to take a picture of my coma-like state to share with y'all; but the picture I took was too realistic and well honestly I just did not want to be forever linked to the internet as the pinterest zombie. Sorry folks; no zombie pics tonight.

Yet  I feel I can't share a post without a picture I will share a quick shot from Kristen & Jason's wedding. (more to come soon!). Thanks for listening!!!