


Monday, July 30, 2012

Slide, baby Slide

My daughter Izzy is a girl of many talents; and I am proud of every one of them! (As all mommies should be).  Yet there is one skill that the longer my daughter is on this earth, the more I witness what she may lack; gross motor/kinesthetic skills. To put it plainly; my daughter will not be an athletic genius. Maybe she will prove me wrong in time, but for now; are some of the more finer moments of her body in motion.

She begins with a lovely little exploration of the slip-n-slide...a simple little taste of all the fun potential it holds.

Heh; from there she builds her confidence and gives it a whirl. Go Baby go!!!

Look at that confidence she has initially!!! You can do it Izzy!!!

Hahah...and well in the end her face demonstrates sheer panic. Some day Iz; some day you will master this body in motion thing. For now; just enjoy the ride:) (I know I do I love watching you develop into an amazing little kid in action!!!)

Thanks for stopping; Happy Monday!


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